If you do not find the answer to your question below, please do contact us by clicking on the 'contact us' which can be found in our at the top of this page or scroll down to the button at the end of our FAQs.
How old does my child need to be to join Create Drama Studio?
Our Theatre Academy and Stage vs Screen Workshops are for students aged 6 plus but students aged 5 can join if they are turning 6 within the term.
Our Screen Acting Academy is for students aged 8 plus and our Film Academy for students aged 11 plus.
To join our adult workshops you must be at least 18 years of age.
Can I try Creation Drama Studio before committing to a full term?
Absolutely! All new students are invited to try their first class for free. You can book a free taster class by heading to the "book a free class" page.
How much are the workshops?
The cost per term depends on the workshop duration and the length of the term itself. For more information about our fees please contact us directly.
How long is a term at Creation Drama Studio?
There are three terms a year and each is between 9-13 weeks long. Our workshops run in line with the academic calendar. We also hold summer workshops throughout July.
When are the workshops?
The days and times of our workshops vary depending on the location. Our classes are never during school hours, with most workshops taking place Tuesday-Friday after school or on Saturday mornings. Head to our "TIMETABLE" page to find out more.
Our summer workshops are from 9am-4pm or 6pm Monday-Friday.
Can you join if you are not a native English speaker?
Yes absolutely! The workshops are designed for both native/fluent English speakers with an interest or passion for acting or filmmaking and those looking to improve their confidence in English language.
What should we do if we are unable to attend a workshop?
If you find that you are unable to attend your usual workshop one week please let us know by sending an email to, giving as much notice as possible. We encourage students to attend every week as we are usually working towards an end of term project or production. Please see our Attendance Policy for further information.
How much notice do I have to give should I decide to leave Creation Drama Studio?
We open enrolment at the beginning of each term. If you decide not to continue with the workshops we kindly ask you to let us know before the end of the term so that we can open the space for a new student. Please note that we do not issue refunds, if you decide not to continue with the workshop during the term then you will not be refunded for the classes you have already enrolled in.
Do you have a question that we haven't answered? No problem, you can send us a message now by clicking the button below